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    发布时间:2016-10-21 10:35:46

    开放获取期刊(OA期刊)近些年来学术影响力不断增强,所以开放学术期刊信息资源建设已经势在必行,越来越多的机构参与到开放资源的建设。德孚医药出版社(https://www.dovepress.com/; http://www.dovepress.com.cn/)专门从事开放获取同行评议期刊的出版业务,这些期刊包括130多种内容广泛地涉及科学、技术特别是医药领域。其中拥有影响因子(SCI)的期刊包括九种,被PubMed收录的期刊包括以下51种并且几乎所有都被中国知网CNKI资源数据库收录:

    Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics      
    Advances in Medical Education and Practice       
    Advances and Applications in Bioinformatics and Chemistry

    Biologics: Targets and Therapy    
    Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy      
    Cancer Management and Research   
    Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology     
    Clinical Epidemiology     
    Clinical Interventions in Aging
    Clinical Ophthalmology    
    Clinical Pharmacology: Advances and Applications      
    Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry    
    Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology      
    ClinicoEconomics and Outcomes Research    
    Core Evidence     
    Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy     
    Drug Design, Development and Therapy   
    Drug, Healthcare and Patient Safety      
    Hepatic Medicine: Evidence and Research     
    HIV/AIDS - Research and Palliative Care   

    Infection and Drug Resistance     
    Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Health    
    International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease    
    International Journal of General Medicine      
    International Journal of Nanomedicine   

    International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease   
    International Journal of Women's Health     
    International Medical Case Reports Journal       
    Journal of Asthma and Allergy      
    Journal of Blood Medicine     
    Journal of Inflammation Research     
    Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare      
    Journal of Pain Research      
    Local and Regional Anesthesia

    Medical Devices: Evidence and Research       
    Nanotechnology, Science and Applications

    Nature and Science of Sleep   
    Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment    
    OncoTargets and Therapy    
    Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine   
    Patient Preference and Adherence    
    Patient Related Outcome Measures      
    Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine     
    Psychology Research and Behavior Management      
    Research and Reports in Urology      
    Risk Management and Healthcare Policy     
    Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation     
    Stem Cells and Cloning: Advances and Applications

    The Application of Clinical Genetics      
    Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management   
    Vascular Health and Risk Management      


